[zeromq-dev] Regarding java binding of 0MQ.

Alexey Ermakov zee at technocore.ru
Tue Nov 23 21:55:11 CET 2010

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 6:00 PM, gonzalo diethelm <gdiethelm at dcv.cl> wrote:
> #3: If we go this route, #2 would be moot. But the two behaviors are not
> exactly the same. For Object, you specify a timeout of 0 if you want to wait
> indefinitely, and -1 is illegal. For Poller, -1 means wait indefinitely and
> 0 means “wait at most a very short time”. We would also have to define how
> to deprecate Poller.[gs]etTimeout(). Ideas?

Why not have two branches of jzmq like with zmq itself?
E.g. maint (tracking 0mq/maint, maven/ivy/etc version 2.0.10) and
master (tracking 0mq/master, maven/ivy/etc v2.1.0). That way you could
mark getTimeout/setTimeout as @Deprecated in maint and remove them in

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