[zeromq-dev] ZMQ_HWM handling: impossible to disable queuing

Joshua Foster jhawk28 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 14:38:03 CET 2010

One problem is that the HWM doesn't dynamically change in all cases. For example, setting the HWM on a PUB socket after calling a connect does not actually set the HWM.


On Nov 22, 2010, at 8:30 AM, Alexey Ermakov wrote:

> Hi,
> Current semantics of ZMQ_HWM (0 = no limit) mean that it's impossible
> to disable message queueing, which could be very useful in some
> applications. It would be great if default value of ZMQ_HWM has been
> changed to UINT64_MAX and ZMQ_HWM of 0 disabled queuing at all. Is
> there any downside to it that I don't see (other than API semantics
> change)?
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