[zeromq-dev] SUB socket hangs after some time

Oliver Senn oliver.senn at smart.mit.edu
Wed Nov 10 12:32:01 CET 2010

Hi list,

In our code we use a simple PUB/SUB scheme: A publisher is sending data 
over a PUB socket and a subscriber is getting that data using a SUB socket.
Today I tested the code and (especially with a lot of messages) after 
some time the subscriber hangs in socket.recv(). The publisher happily 
goes on at sending messages and does not return an error. The subscriber 
does not get any of those messages though and also does not report an error.

I simplified the code we are using and a attached it to this email. 
Sometimes the problem appears after 20 seconds and sometimes after 400 
but eventually it happens.

I am using ZeroMQ 2.0.10 and the Java bindings on Mac OS X 10.6.4 with .


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