[zeromq-dev] Durable socket question

Moritz Heidkamp moritz at twoticketsplease.de
Wed Nov 3 12:21:34 CET 2010


Alexey Ermakov <zee at technocore.ru> writes:
> There should be no message loss when using PUSH/PULL sockets anyway,
> you don't have to set identities for that. If you don't set the HWM
> option, messages will be queued by 0MQ and sent when a PULL socket
> reconnects, and if you do set the HWM option and trigger it (by
> sending lots of messages), the publisher thread will block on send()
> until a PULL socket removes some messages from the queue.

are you sure that this is the case? I have exactly this setup here. The
PUSH socket does not complain about not being able to send messages
while no PULL socket is bound to the endpoint it is connected to but
once a PULL socket is bound, it doesn't get any of the messages that
were sent before. Am I missing someting perhaps? I did not set any
options on either socket.


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