[zeromq-dev] Java binding proposed changes
gonzalo diethelm
gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Tue Mar 30 18:10:13 CEST 2010
> > 1. The ZMQ namespace and 0MQ's constants: the current binding has
> > constants under org.zmq.Context (POLL), org.zmq.Socket (lots of
> > and org.zmq.Poller (POLLIN, POLLOUT and POLLERR). They should all be
> > placed under a single ZMQ namespace; how do we do this? One way
could be
> > to create org.zmq.ZMQ as an empty class with just the constants.
> > can suggest something else?
> Wouldn't it be possible to have static ZMQ class with the constants
> _and_ subclasses Context and Socket?
> Implementing subclass in JNI can be a bit tricky but I've already done
> it in 0MQ/1.0 Java binding (InboundData subclass) so you can get the
> idea here:
> http://github.com/sustrik/zeromq1/tree/master/libjzmq/
This looks like a good solution. I will work on it (looking at the code
you cite) and let everybody know how it looks.
> > 3. I will add a socket() function to org.zmq.Context, so that
> > will be created by calling this function. They can also be created
> > creating a new org.zmq.Socket object, as it is now. I will also add
> > poller() function.
> What will the poller function do?
Create a org.zmq.Poller object?
> > 4. I would like to review the use of assert() in the native
functions; I
> > am not sure whether they should stay the way they are, or they
should be
> > turned into raising exceptions, so that every single error condition
> > native code ends up being reported to the calling Java code.
> The rule of the thumb is: When the problem shouldn't happen - i.e.
> there's a bug in 0MQ of Java binding - assert. If the problem can be
> caused by the user raise an exception.
Ok, if that is the rule there are several assert() calls that will stay
the same; perhaps all of them. I will report back.
Gonzalo Diethelm
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