[zeromq-dev] any examples of using downstream/upstream sockets?

anton at angri.ru anton at angri.ru
Sun Mar 28 08:59:14 CEST 2010


Thank you for the great library, it seems it fits my needs well and
it's performance is amazing!

I've played with req/rep socket pair a bit and everything seems to be
ok with them. But I've found no examples of using DOWNSTREAM/UPSTREAM
sockets (I'm especially interested in C and Python bindings). So I've
just took zeromq-2.0.6/perf/local_lat.c and k
zeromq-2.0.6/perf/remote_lat.c, changed socket types there and removed
send() part of the loop from UPSTREAM side and recv() from DOWNSTREAM.

Unfortunatelly, it seems it's not enough. Upstream side does not
always quit after runing downstream one with the same amount of
messages to transmit. Sometimes upstream side recieves message with
zero length. Sometimes downstream side crashes with message "No such
file or directory
rc != -1 (epoll.cpp:83)" (I'm using linux 2.6.33 x86-64)

And probably the most bad thing is that downstream side looks like
everything is ok when upstream one is not even running! It reports
that average latency is about 0.1 us. I'd love to see such latency if
it really works.

Am I missing something?



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