[zeromq-dev] Windows and PGM

Teddy Trachsler teddy.trachsler at ils.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Mar 24 17:40:39 CET 2010



I´m following this project for some time now and I´d like to test it a bit
on my side.


Following points:

1) I downloaded 0MQ with PGM for Windows (0MQ-2.0-beta2-OpenPGM.7z) last
time on the website. 

The page http://www.zeromq.org/area:docs:pgm-v101 (Reliable multicast is
implemented through Windows Sockets and is only supported when Microsoft
Message Queuing (MSMQ) 3.0 is installed) doesn’t seem to be up-to-date, as
it seems that OpenPGM is also used for Windows. I couldn´t find the
instructions how to compile 0MQ/OpenPGM for Windows. Or other question: are
there some binaries for the last zeromq-2.0.6 with OpenPGM?


2) The easiest step for me is to try 0MQ with Python. 

I was playing with the chat example:

python display.py tcp://

python prompt.py tcp:// test


The thing is that the display doesn´t receive anything. No error is
displayed and the display can’t be interrupted with Ctrl-C (seem to be the
well known problem with Python and recv).

I checked on the page http://www.zeromq.org/area:docs-v20 (Publish/subscribe
example) if my configuration was right (both pub and sub addresses for ex.).







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