[zeromq-dev] C# interface for Zmq 2.x

Jeff Dik s450r1 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 14:10:56 CET 2010

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 3:23 AM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik at 250bpm.com> wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
>> I made some C# bindings a few weeks ago, but just committed it and
>> pushed it:
>> http://github.com/s450r1/zeromq2/blob/master/bindings/clr/Zmq.cs
> Nice! Can you attach a licnese to the code so that it can be used safely?
> LGPL would be preferable.

I knew I was forgetting something.  LGPL it is, although it also keeps
the same special exception as 0MQ.

>> However, it's only been tested to work with the 0MQ from a few weeks
>> ago, before the language bindings were kicked out of the core 0MQ
>> repository :-)  I've been meaning to update it with the latest changes
>> to 0MQ, but haven't had a chance yet (as I have 6 month old twin
>> girls).
> Wow. Congratulations!
>> Feel free to use that as a starting point if you wish.
>> There's a few examples in
>> http://github.com/s450r1/zeromq2/tree/master/bindings/clr.  See the
>> Rakefile for how to build (or use rake[1] to build).
>> [1]: http://rake.rubyforge.org/
> Martin

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