[zeromq-dev] [zeromq-announce] Release 206 at RHEL 5.1

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Thu Mar 18 08:18:37 CET 2010


> We're now suffering one show stop issue of release 206:
> 1.) we could build the release success and okay to build our c++  
> program with the library
> 2.) we could startup our c++ program smoothly
> 3.) but any time server got the message from client, it crashed and  
> memory dump!!
> ***no matter using pub/sub or req/rpy, we got the same issue!!
> Does anybody else have the same experience with solution?
> Nelson
> p.s. same c++ program works fine with release 20b2 at the same OS/Host

Can you provide the backtrace from the crash?


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