[zeromq-dev] C# interface for Zmq 2.x

Jeff Dik s450r1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 23:04:09 CET 2010


I made some C# bindings a few weeks ago, but just committed it and
pushed it: http://github.com/s450r1/zeromq2/blob/master/bindings/clr/Zmq.cs

However, it's only been tested to work with the 0MQ from a few weeks
ago, before the language bindings were kicked out of the core 0MQ
repository :-)  I've been meaning to update it with the latest changes
to 0MQ, but haven't had a chance yet (as I have 6 month old twin
girls).  Feel free to use that as a starting point if you wish.
There's a few examples in
http://github.com/s450r1/zeromq2/tree/master/bindings/clr.  See the
Rakefile for how to build (or use rake[1] to build).

[1]: http://rake.rubyforge.org/


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 6:41 AM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik at 250bpm.com> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
>> Of coz I would like to tried it.
>> But I know nth about c++ so tried to use SWIG to generate the C#
>> interface last night and failed last night.
>> Could you send me the binding for 1.0 so that I can port it to 2.0?
> Here's the code for C# binding in 0MQ/1.0:
> http://github.com/sustrik/zeromq1/blob/master/libclrzmq/zmq.cs
> As you can see it's pretty trivial code that does nothing but forward
> each call to underlying C library.
> Here's the new 2.0 interface:
> http://github.com/sustrik/zeromq2/blob/master/include/zmq.h
> What has to be done:
> 1. Constants in zmq.h should be made avaiable in zmq.cs
> 2. Functions from zmq.h should be declared as static extenal functions
> in zmq.cs
> 3. Simple C# wrapper should be written to provide a nice OO interface.
> Basically all the code can be found in the old binding, however, if you
> run into problems, feel free to discuss it on the list.
> Martin
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