[zeromq-dev] 0MQ version 2.0.6 (beta) released

Chris Wong chris at chriswongstudio.com
Tue Mar 16 22:54:24 CET 2010

Kudos to the 0mq team.

On Mar 16, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik at 250bpm.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am happy to announce the release of 0MQ version 2.0.6 (beta).
> The new release can be downloaded on the website, here:
> http://www.zeromq.org/area:download-v20
> News since version 2.0 beta 3:
> Distribution
> ------------
> * The 0MQ core distribution has been slimmed down to include only  
> the core
>   C library and C++ language binding. Pointers to other language
> bindings can
>   be found on the website. Examples have also been removed from the
>   core and can be found elsewhere. Performance tests specific to a  
> language
>   binding can be found bundled with that language binding.
> * The 0MQ reference manual supplied with the distribution has been
>   extensively rewritten, and is now provided in HTML as well as UNIX
>   manpage format.
> * Commencing with this release, a 0MQ version numbering scheme has  
> been
>   introduced. The numbering scheme used is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The  
> "Beta" or
>   "Stable" label is informative only and does not constitute
>   part of the library version number, therefore this release is  
> numbered
>   2.0.6 as the sixth release of 2.0.
> * The version of OpenPGM bundled with 0MQ has been updated to the  
> stable
>   2.0.24 release.
> Building
> --------
> * Many portability fixes, including support for new platforms:  
> FreeBSD,
>   NetBSD, HP-UX and Cygwin.
> * Invocation of configure has been simplified, all functionality is  
> now
>   built by default with the exception of OpenPGM.
> Interface
> ---------
> * The udp transport has been renamed to epgm to avoid confusion with
>   unreliable unicast.
> * A ZMQ_POLLERR constant has been added to allow for polling on  
> errors on
>   Berkeley sockets with zmq_poll().
> * The zmq_version() function has been introduced and returns the  
> version
>   number of the 0MQ library.
> * The zmq_flush() function and ZMQ_NOFLUSH flag of zmq_send() have  
> been
>   deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
> Wire format
> -----------
> * The 0MQ wire format has been changed. A flags field has been added  
> to
>   allow for future extensions.
> New functionality
> -----------------
> * The experimental ZMQ_P2P socket type has been implemented.
> * Flow control has been implemented for all socket types. For  
> details see
>   the ZMQ_HWM and ZMQ_LWM socket options.
> * Subscription filters are internally matched with O(1) complexity.
> Licensing
> ---------
> * iMatix corporation has granted the following exception regarding  
> static
>   linking with the 0MQ library:
>     As a special exception, iMatix gives you permission to link this
>     library with independent modules to produce an executable,
>     regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
>     to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of
>     your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
>     independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of
>     that module. An independent module is a module which is not
>     derived from or based on this library.  If you modify this
>     library, you must extend this exception to your version of the
>     library.
> Thanks to
> ---------
> This release of 0MQ was made possible by many contributors from the
> community,
> including:
> * Adrian von Bidder <avbidder at fortytwo.ch>, for contributing Debian
> packages.
> * Aleksey Yeschenko <aleksey at yeschenko.com>, for contributing a Lua  
> binding.
> * Alessio Spadaro <alessio.spadaro at finservice.com>, for help with  
> porting to
>   HP-UX.
> * Bernd Prager <bernd at prager.ws>, for help with porting to Cygwin.
> * Brian E. Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com>, for maintaining the Python
> binding.
> * Martin Hurton <hurtonm at gmail.com>, for implementing flow control.
> * Martin Lucina <mato at kotelna.sk>, for rewriting the 0MQ reference
> manual and
>   many portability fixes.
> * Michael Santy <Michael.Santy at dynetics.com>, for testing this  
> release with
>   Infiniband.
> * Steven McCoy <steven at miru.hk>, for help with OpenPGM.
> * Toralf Wittner <toralf.wittner at gmail.com>, for contributing a  
> Haskell
>   binding.
> A full list of all changes since the release of 0MQ 2.0 beta2 can be
> found in the ChangeLog file.
> Enjoy,
> Martin
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> zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org
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