[zeromq-dev] Servlets and 0MQ

gonzalo diethelm gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Mon Mar 15 14:33:23 CET 2010

> I have little idea of what a servlet is, however, spawning a new
> for each HTTP request doesn't seem to be very efficient. (Others may
> have more experience with the topic though.)

I think it is up to the web container to spawn new threads or pool them.

> As for initialising 0MQ just once the best place to do so it at the
> beginning of main() and storing it in a global variable.

Well, I have refreshed my rusty knowledge of servlets, and there is a
place to initialize 0MQ just once: the servlet's init() method (and the
corresponding destroy() method at the end):

> > Now, say there IS a place to initialize 0MQ just once. If I do that,
> > would have to make a guess as to the number of concurrent threads
> > requests) that I would be using it, right? Say, 100 simultaneous
> > requests. What happens if I initialize 0MQ with that assumption but
> > then, during runtime, end up going above that?
> It returns EMTHREAD error when you try to create a socket.

Would it be conceivable to handle this in a more dynamic way? For
instance, a function to ask 0MQ how many user threads it can currently
handle, and another to increase (and maybe decrease) that number of

> > Finally, say I have five concurrent threads serving five
> > HTTP requests. Each of these threads will want to send out a message
> > over 0MQ, and then wait for a response. It seems to me the only safe
> > of doing this is using REQ/REP sockets, but if all these threads
send a
> > message to the same process (the one that will generate the
> > will I be assured that the answers will come back to the appropriate
> > thread? Have replies any "affinity" to the underlying socket that
> > actually sent the corresponding request?
> Yes, they do.

Ok, I thought I had read something about this on the list, sorry for
re-asking something already covered.

> > Is this a pattern (let's call it "multi-threaded web server") that
> > well understood? Has anybody implemented something similar? If yes,
> > you share some thoughts about it? Or maybe this is a mismatch for
> > architecture?
> When confronted with "multi-threaded server" I would imagine a server
> application with a shared queue and N worker threads connected to the
> queue using inproc transport. M clients would be connected to the
> queue via TCP transport. But it seems that you have something
> in mind.

No, no, this is exactly what I have in mind. I am just trying to map the
Java servlet model to this concept, using 0MQ for communications.
Perhaps I am just not being too bright today... :-)

Gonzalo Diethelm

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