[zeromq-dev] Windows DLLs with OpenPGM now available

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Thu Mar 11 16:56:12 CET 2010

Hi Giambattista,

> i have modified your application local_thr to simulate our application, 
> the change is a infinite loop to receive the messages.
> If the throutput is to high i receive the following exceptions:
> Assertion failed: pgm_msgv [pgm_msgv_processed].msgv_len == 1 
> (pgm_socket.cpp:497)
> or
> Assertion failed: it != peers.end () (pgm_receiver.cpp:108)

This problem was already reported. It was fixed and fix is available 
with new version of OpenPGM.

The testing with 0MQ should be done shortly and the fix should be 
available with new version of 0MQ.


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