[zeromq-dev] Is Pub/Sub unreliable

gonzalo diethelm gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Wed Mar 10 13:54:49 CET 2010

> > But I run the receiver first, THEN run the sender (sorry if that was
> > clear). In that case, shouldn't the receiver get ALL messages sent
> > the sender?
> It takes some time to connect. Thus when you start the sender, it'll
> bind to an interface a starts sending messages. In say 50us receiver
> connects and starts receiving messages. However, in the meantime
> may have already broadcasted all the messages.

Here is what I did:

# On window 1:
# receive 20 messages
./receiver tcp:// 20
# the app is waiting on a recv() call

# wait for a couple of seconds...

# On window 2:
# send 20 msgs, waiting 50 ms between them, no poll
./sender tcp:// 20 50 0

But now sender sleeps after binding to the PUB socket and before it
starts sending messages. There are two cases happening here:

1. If the sender sleeps any amount of ms above 100, the receiver gets
all messages.

2. If the sender sleeps, say, 50 ms, the receiver misses a few of the
initial messages sent by sender.

If this is by design, that's fine; I could always add a small sleep time
after binding to a PUB socket. But what I don't understand is this: why
do I need any sleeping time at all, if the receiver started first and
its SUB socket has been idling for a couple of seconds?

The only explanation I can find is that, although the SUB socket is
ready, it still needs to do some processing when it is notified that the
corresponding PUB socket came alive; while it is doing that processing,
the sender has already sent some messages. Is this the case?

Gonzalo Diethelm

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