[zeromq-dev] Is Pub/Sub unreliable
gonzalo diethelm
gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Tue Mar 9 23:26:34 CET 2010
I wrote two small apps: one binds a PUB socket to an endpoint and sends
N messages to it; the other connects a SUB socket to that same endpoint
and receives N messages. The sender optionally can wait a certain amount
of ms between each send, and it always waits for 60 seconds at the end.
I am attaching both files; all my tests are under Windows XP.
I run the following commands on two separate windows:
# send 20 msgs, waiting 50 ms between them, no poll
./sender tcp:// 20 50 0
# receive 20 messages
./receiver tcp:// 20
This works erratically. Sometimes receiver receives less than 20
messages; sometimes it receives NONE.
Is it the case that PUB/SUB sockets are unreliable? This is sort of a
surprise to me... If they are not, what could explain this behavior?
Thanks in advance.
Gonzalo Diethelm
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