[zeromq-dev] New reference manual committed and on-line

Martin Lucina mato at kotelna.sk
Tue Mar 9 20:02:07 CET 2010


gdiethelm at dcv.cl said:
> This is not the case for the reference index found at
> http://api.zeromq.org/zmq.html; I can Print Preview that, change the
> zoom factor and the paragraphs readjust to fit the page. 

The reference manual is generated from AsciiDoc source and as such is
completely separate from the 0MQ website. FWIW, it's fairly easy to to
generate PDFs from the AsciiDoc manual so I may do that at some stage as

> If I try to do that with http://www.zeromq.org/area:docs-v20, I usually
> end up with the right margin cut off, or with a huge white band on the
> right side of the page. I am doing all this on Firefox.
> Is there any way you could fix this? Thanks in advance.

This needs a Wikidot expert to design a @media print CSS stylesheet for the
0MQ site.


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