[zeromq-dev] [otish] "Why ZeroMQ"

Oliver Smith oliver at kfs.org
Tue Jul 27 15:54:24 CEST 2010

On 7/27/2010 8:23 AM, Martin Sustrik wrote:
> Nice, but a bit long IMO -- at least compared to REQ/REP/PUB/SUB.
> What about: PLIN, PLOUT (compare to stdin, stdout) ?
"7" and "8" are shorter too ;-P Hehehehe :)

These are disambiguating, documentary, declarative names. I'm not in 
least proposing that we get rid of the current aliases.

I imagine the man page saying 
(ZMQ_POUT for short)"

(The key part being the ZMQ_POUT for short, not the ridiculous 
non-starter long name I just used :)

- Oliver

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