[zeromq-dev] [otish] "Why ZeroMQ"

Oliver Smith oliver at kfs.org
Mon Jul 26 22:15:49 CEST 2010

Pieter Hintjens said the following on 7/26/2010 2:53 PM:
> :) I personally do not like the current socket names, they seem 
> inconsistent. There was a blog post with suggestions for new names but 
> consensus was... we learned these names, don't change them now.
*begs for aliases* the upstream/downstream in particular is confusing 
because the up/down is subjective to perspective and personal use of 

Some folks prefer to think of sending data "up" stream, while most 
networking systems use the stream-like analogy where "upstream" is the 
source and "downstream" is the natural direction of flow...

Depending how you look at ZMQ, it could be either...

Unfortunately, I appear to be particularly thick when it comes to this. 
I invariably make all of my pipeline sockets ZMQ_UPSTREAM. Ha :)

- Oliver

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