[zeromq-dev] Creating a pyzmq organization on github

Serge Aleynikov serge at aleynikov.org
Thu Jul 22 14:16:10 CEST 2010

My work was based on foking Dhammika's initial implementation.  I made 
many enhancements, added documentation, autotools-based config, 
cross-compilation for MacOS, but the two repos were not merged, so my 
repository can be thought of a successor, and if moved to zeromq/erlzmq, 
then, I believe, both mine and Dhammika's versions can be dropped for 
ease of sharing.  You can add us both as the owners of this new project.

On 7/22/2010 4:54 AM, Martin Sustrik wrote:
> Hi Serge,
>> Could you do a similar thing for erlzmq?  saleyn/erlzmq ->  zeromq/erlzmq
> How do you and Dhammika cooperate? Does each have a different codebase
> for erlzmq or is it saleyn/erlzmq the joined effort?
> Martin
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