[zeromq-dev] Documentation Proposal

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Sat Jul 10 14:06:49 CEST 2010

Peter Alexander wrote:

>> 1. It doesn't make sense to distribute the generated docs with the
>> package. Packages are for users. Users don't need detailed code
>> documentation. Developers, on the other hand, are presumably not using
>> packages, rather checking out the recent version from trunk.
> Its not needed by users because zeromq is beautiful in api simplicity.
> I don't even think it needs to be distributed with trunk (maybe just
> the Doxyfile config file). Web based public access would suffice.

Yes. That's my impression as well.

>> 2. The documentation has to tightly correspond to the version you are
>> developing otherwise it can do more harm than good.
> Publicly, only for mainline development snapshots (zeromq/zeromq2 --
> master). My thought was to either have a commit hook (if possible) to
> automatically update/generate the hosted doc per commit, or to have a
> local script and a cron job to update/generate on a timely basis like
> once a day or so.

Is there a way to hook into the commits into github?


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