[zeromq-dev] Disconnect notification.

Sarat K ksarat at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 18:39:31 CEST 2010


I am exploring ZeroMq for one of my application. One of the requirement I
have is to get disconnect notification from the ZeroMQ kernel when ever a
client terminates the connection/when ever client program crashes I wanted
to know about the disconnect in the communication. My application model is;
I have a single server that is connected to many clients and server wants to
know when ever a client got disconnected.

I have come across few examples like using gap_message or registering an
error handler using zmq::set_error_handler api. But it seems the interface
has been change since these examples were listed, I dont find any thing in
the current interface which satisfies my requirement.

I greatly appreciate any help here.

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