[zeromq-dev] Debian subdirectory moved to the root

Adrian von Bidder avbidder at fortytwo.ch
Fri Jan 29 23:10:57 CET 2010

On Friday 29 January 2010 19.25:52 Peter Busser wrote:
> Adrian,
> > Long term, as I've said, I certainly plan to finally learn git and work
> > from there.
> Do you want help with that? Git isn't really difficult. There are many
> on-line resources and there are currently three dead-tree books about
> Git.

Thanks for the offer.  The main issue is not git, but me finding time to 
learn it and design a packaging workflow that suits me.  I think coming from 
hg, git is not that much different.

-- vbi

"I got more room in iptables then they got ip allocations :)"
        -- Some Bastard, news.admin.net-abuse.email, 2004-02-13
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