[zeromq-dev] Debian package / small manpage issue

Adrian von Bidder avbidder at fortytwo.ch
Thu Jan 21 15:47:17 CET 2010


Is anyone already preparing a Debian package?

If not: I'm working on it.   Will take me some time because the packaging is 
somewhat nontrivial with all those language bindings; and it appears openpgm 
is not packaged yet, either.

Is there some kind of zeromq-announce mailing list?  I'll probably not have 
the time to follow the dev list in full.

What I already saw:  lintian (Debian's package cheker) complains:

W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_cl.7.gz         
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_cpp.7.gz        
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_inproc.7.gz     
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_ipc.7.gz        
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_pgm.7.gz        
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_python.7.gz     
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_ruby.7.gz       
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_tcp.7.gz        
W: libzmq0: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man7/zmq_udp.7.gz        

N: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry
N:   Each manual page should start with a "NAME" section, which lists the
N:   name and a brief description of the page separated by "\-". These
N:   sections are parsed by "mandb" and stored in a database for the use of
N:   "apropos" and "whatis", so they must be in a certain format. This
N:   manual page apparently uses the wrong format and cannot be parsed by
N:   "mandb".
N:   Refer to the lexgrog(1) manual page, the groff_man(7) manual page, and
N:   the groff_mdoc(7) manual page for details.
N:   Severity: normal, Certainty: certain

(Haven't investigated this issue yet.)

-- vbi

vim is a modal editor with only two modes: One where it messes up your
text, and one where it beeps.
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