[zeromq-dev] compiling zeromq 2.0 beta2 with pgm on centOS

Guo, Yanchao Yanchao.Guo at sac.com
Wed Jan 20 15:24:23 CET 2010

hi martin, I am getting the gcc error when I only built with GCC. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Sustrik [mailto:sustrik at 250bpm.com]
Sent: Wed 1/20/2010 9:21 AM
To: Steven McCoy
Cc: Guo, Yanchao; zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] compiling zeromq 2.0 beta2 with pgm on centOS
Steven McCoy wrote:
> 2010/1/20 Guo, Yanchao <Yanchao.Guo at sac.com <mailto:Yanchao.Guo at sac.com>>
>     Thanks Steven. Do you have any idea on the linking error for GNU
>     compilation? Also, our main program is compiled with intel compiler,
>     do you see any issue linking the main program with GNU compiled
>     zmq/pgm library?
> The C ABI is stable and you can link across pretty much all compilers. 
>  C++ usually has an unstable ABI and so you might see problems if you 
> try to link G++ C++ code with ICC C++ code.


Do you get the gcc compiler error when building with gcc exclusively or 
are you trying to mix gcc and icc in some way (include files, run-time 
libraries, compiling OpenPGM with one compiler and 0MQ proper with the 
other one)?


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