[zeromq-dev] Initial support for zmq_poll() under Java
gonzalo diethelm
gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Thu Feb 25 15:09:06 CET 2010
> > Find attached the patch, MIT-licensed, for adding poll support under
> > Java. This patch does NOT include my logging functions; I
> > it, so if you have any problems applying the patch, let me know.
> The patch is corrupt. Can you please generate a new one rather than
> editing it by hand? (You don't have to remove logging, I can do that.)
Here you go. You would have to remove the following (in this order):
* One big block of code protected with #if 0 / #endif.
* All lines with a ZMQ_JAVA_LOG() call.
* All includes of "util.h".
> > 2. We could also have one big public class called ZMQ, with nested
> > public classes:
> >
> > Implementation:
> >
> > package org.zmq;
> >
> > public class ZMQ {
> > public class Context {...}
> > public class Socket {...}
> > ...
> > }
> >
> >
> > Usage:
> >
> > import org.zmq.ZMQ;
> > ...
> > ZMQ.Socket s = new ZMQ.Socket (ctx, ZMQ.REP);
> This looks much better!
> > This is an API change, though. If you want to go this route, I can
> > prepare a patch after the poll support has been committed.
> I would go for it. The current API is plain ugly and it has to be
> changed sooner or later. (Btw, the same change was done to Ruby few
> weeks back. Same with Python.)
Ok, I'll do that after this patch is committed.
Gonzalo Diethelm
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