[zeromq-dev] Publish / Subscribe vs Multicast
gonzalo diethelm
gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Mon Feb 15 19:00:46 CET 2010
Hi Martin,
> > 1. The distributor has the logic to decide which worker should get a
> > specific message, and sends it directly to it. This means: the
> > distributor knows how many workers there are (in order to evenly
> > distribute messages); it knows what workers are not responding; it
> > made aware of new workers. I agree in this scenario Multicast it not
> > needed, nor is PubSub.
> >
> > 2. The distributor sends every message to all workers, and they
> > whether to ignore it or if they are the ones to process it. This
> > the distributor doesn't need any special knowledge about the
workers; it
> > should use PubSub or Multicast; the workers need logic to determine
> > whether to process or ignore the message, and this logic would most
> > likely require knowing about all the other workers and their state.
> >
> > What do you think?
> The former is better IMO. In the latter case you would have to handle
> communication between individual workers which turns out to be pretty
> complex, especially when they become mutually inaccessible.
I agree, as long as the first case allows for building in the logic to
handle a (possibly) dynamic number of workers, stalled workers, etc.
> > Maybe I should have described first my ideal scenario. I would love
> > be able to add workers at will, or even kill them at will, without
> > having to restart the distributor or any current workers. This is
> > strictly hot-hot failover, but you might call it "dynamic load
> > distribution". That is why I think sending the messages to all
> > might make sense.
> I would definitely use ZMQ_UPSTREAM and ZMQ_DOWNSTREM sockets. Hava a
> look at the following article:
> http://www.zeromq.org/tutorials:butterfly
> (The code samples use old API so just ignore them.)
> Is that what you are aiming for?
Sweet! Yes, that is the scenario I am researching. However, I could not
find that tutorial anywhere in the downloaded source code (for Windows).
Do I need to get it from the repo? Or perhaps it is not included anymore
(since you mention an old API)?
> > In my pipeline, I could also do this:
> >
> > 1. The distributor receives a request for work.
> > 2. It creates a unique tag for it and sends it, together with
> > time, to the final program in the pipeline (let's call it the
> > 3. It then passes the request to the first stage in the pipeline
(one of
> > N workers for this stage).
> > 4. It moves from stage to stage, where each stage has Ni workers.
> > 5. The final stage passes a notification to the checker including
> > request id and current time.
> >
> > Strict pipeline, no request-reply (so I can fire and forget), still
> > know when requests end, how long they take and even take measures
> > requests taking too long.
> Yes. Exactly. In pipelined scenario the tag should be a sequence
> That way final receiver can identify holes in the sequence (caused by
> crashed workers or crashed distributors) and notify the original
> about the failure.
Yes. Sort of like TCP/IP does it.
> >> In case you would like to give a hand with the implementation, let
> >> know.
> >
> > Would love too. I still am at the beginning stages of wrapping my
> > around 0mq, so please give me some time.
> Sure. Take your time!
I'm slowly gearing up to it. Thanks for all the help.
Gonzalo Diethelm
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