[zeromq-dev] UDP support

Armin Steinhoff armin at steinhoff.de
Mon Feb 1 14:59:50 CET 2010

Martin Sustrik wrote:
> Armin,
>>> Tried on my box. It seems to work here. Can you be more specific 
>>> about the comment lines you are using (both local and remote)?
>> The test was done with multi cast loopback (msg length 10 bytes / 
>> 10000 msgs).
> Once possible cause is that sender application isn't able to send all 
> the data before exiting. There's only 10 sec timeout and the rate 
> limit on the sender is pretty low by defaulr (100kb/sec). Try to 
> either increase the rate limit or increase the timeout in remote_thr.

I have tried to set the transmission rate with zmq_setsockopt(). But 
there must something be wrong in the docs ... when I specify the opt 
length with sizeof(uint64_t) the zmq_setsockopt() call returns an error 
value. sizeof(int) is working ... that means also that the multicast 
example isn't correct. You should also correct the examples of the 
connection string in the docs of zmq_udp ... the first colon must be a 

However ... why do I have to wait 10sec at the site of the sender before 
I can call e.g. zmq_msg_close?

IMHO .. there must be a limitation in the PGM protocol. It seems so that 
it can't handle a burst of messages if the overall volume is more then 
~100kB. Under this level all is working well and really fast. No 
problems with the tcp transmission!

Best Regards


> Martin

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