[zeromq-dev] Minor update to zmq_reactor

gonzalo diethelm gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Wed Aug 25 15:29:54 CEST 2010

Matt, I have not seen your code, so my comments may not apply. I
understand there already is code in 0MQ to generate UUIDs; if you are
reusing / improving this code, I think it would be a good idea to
encapsulate it in a single place.


In addition, I have always thought UUID generation should be one of the
utility functions from 0MQ (same as zmq_stopwatch_start,
zmq_stopwatch_stop and zmq_sleep). UUIDs are really important for almost
any non-trivial use of 0MQ, and having one single implementation (that
could be exported to all bindings) makes sense IMHO.


Best regards.


Gonzalo Diethelm 



From: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org
[mailto:zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] On Behalf Of Matt Weinstein
Sent: Wednesday, 25 August, 2010 09:00
To: zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org
Subject: [zeromq-dev] Minor update to zmq_reactor




On branch poll_items:


- Updated zmq_reactor_uuid to use a more standard uuid generator.

- Fixed missing endlines, #endifs etc.


No new functionality.


zmq_reactor is being staged into production for a client, it's very
useful.  The nice part is you can write a class that looks like this:



    class reactor_io {


         shared state;


         int reactor_inbound( ... ) {

              do something

              has access to shared state;



         int reactor_outbound( ... ) {

              do something

              has access to shared state;






         int poll() 


              setup the reactors[]

              do the zmq_reactor_poll() here

              return poll result




Essentially, you wrap the whole reactor framework (=device) in a single


I used a template<> static binding function to remove the muss and fuss




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