[zeromq-dev] empty packet if REQ

Ilja Golshtein ilejncs at narod.ru
Fri Aug 13 12:03:00 CEST 2010

very interesting.

Could you please describe in more detailed way in which cases these extra identities are appended.

(1)                  (2)                (3)

REQ-send                          XREP-recv

ID1                                     ID2
null                                     ID1
payload                               null

The question is what should be done at (2) in 0mq API terms to have extra identity added.


13.08.10, 13:19, "Martin Sustrik" <sustrik at 250bpm.com>:

> Ilja,
>  > Please clarify if it is expected there is empty packet (or message part, not sure about correct term) between identity and payload if REQ
>  > and there is no such packet if XREQ.
>  > 
>  > Using 2.0.7.
>  Yes. It's the bottom of the backtrace stack. The message is composed of 
>  identites specifying the path back to the original requester. The list 
>  is terminated by an empty message part and followed by application data.
>  Martin
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Best regards,
Ilja Golshtein.

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