[zeromq-dev] pub/sub topic matching on sender side

Matt Weinstein matt_weinstein at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 10 16:17:38 CEST 2010

Does this have security implications, or is it _just_ for performance?

If for performance, you can use hints to the upstream on a pub/sub  
channel from the endpoints to the upstream servers.

There are lots of simple protocols, like using a GUID per client and  
sending an update or a delta to subscriptions.

Once the servers have it, they can just run their publishes through a  
filter that collects the updates.

You could probably encapsulate this in a special purpose device which  
connects like this:

	[[[ publisher ]]] >>>   [[[ filter ]]] >>>  [[[ pub socket ]]]
						  ^^^<<<	[[[ subscription updates ]]] <<< [[[ sub socket ]]]

Subscribers don't need to do anything fancy, except maybe publish  
their subs list every once in a while (or when a change occurs).

(I'm not even going to mention you can assemble these things easily  
with zmq_reactor ... )

On Aug 10, 2010, at 5:07 AM, jon at totient.demon.co.uk wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone have any pointers/design sketch on what needs to be  
> changed to get the pub/sub topic match performed in the sender,  
> rather than at the receiver end.
> Initially I'm interested in the inter-thread case, but this would  
> also be
> desirable for the tcp/ipc case as well.
> Thanks
> Jon
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