[zeromq-dev] Connect to a different host, same socket.

Oliver Smith oliver at kfs.org
Wed Aug 4 19:48:27 CEST 2010

Using C++, I wanted to do the following:

     static zmq::socket_t socket(zmqContext, ZMQ_UPSTREAM) ;
     static const char* connectedTo = NULL ;

     if ( connectedTo != NULL )
         socket.close() ;    // Disconnect previous connection
     if ( connectedTo != newDestination )
         if ( socket.connect(newDestination) != 0 )
             throw std::invalid_argument("Couldn't connect to 
destination") ;
             connectedTo = newDestination ;

     socket.send(data) ;

But the only way to close a socket in C++ seems to be to destroy the 

- Oliver

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