[zeromq-dev] 0MQ 2.0 Model Question

tom schuring tomschuring at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 13:23:53 CEST 2009

> The most functionality is on the replier side. Instead of handling  
> 10000 connections being created and dropping of asynchronously,  
> sending requests and waiting for replies, all you have to do is:
> socket_t s (ctx, ZMQ_REP);
> s.bind ("tcp://eth0:5555");
> while (true) {
>    message_t request, reply;
>    s.recv (&request);
>    ... process the request ...
>    s.send (reply);
> }
> NB that this code is handling many simultaneous connections not only  
> a single pair of peers.
> As for reliability, there are some advantages there (like setting a  
> connection identity so that when reconnection happens, the system  
> knows it's the 'same' connection and handles the queue limits and  
> other associated issues accordingly). However, these features are  
> not fully implemented so I'm not going to detail here.
> Martin

Hello Martin,

thank you for taking time to explain this to me. It is much  
appreciated by me.

Best Regards,

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