[zeromq-dev] Middleware 2009

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Tue Nov 10 23:08:31 CET 2009

> Hey 0MQ folks,
> Is anyone attending the Middleware 2009 conference:
> http://middleware2009.cs.uiuc.edu/ ?
> If so, we can have a 0MQ meet-up or something.

Hi Erich,

Unfiortunately I'm leaving States tomorrow so I won't be able to
attend, however, meet-up is a great idea.

Would anybody be interested in attending a over-the-beer meeting in
central Europe (Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Krakow)?

If there's an interest, later on we can plan for a meet up in London or
New York.


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