[zeromq-dev] patch: fix malloc/free mismatch in epoll

Martin Sustrik sustrik at fastmq.com
Mon Mar 30 19:49:55 CEST 2009

Martin Hurton wrote:
> On 3/30/09, Martin Sustrik <sustrik at fastmq.com> wrote:
>> Martin H.,
>>  > A one liner to fix malloc/free mismatch in epoll.
>>  > Not sure if we should add std::nothrow, we don't seem to be using it.
>> Can you please check other polling mechanisms for the same problem?
> sure
>>  As a side note: I believe Dhammika is right in using new/delete rather
>>  than malloc/free for fixed-sized objects. So unless there is a good
>>  reason to use malloc, let's switch to new now.
> OK, I think this will be more C++ like

Good. This should go into 0.6 release.


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