[zeromq-dev] 0.6 Release Timing and Features?

Martin Sustrik sustrik at fastmq.com
Sun Mar 22 08:35:10 CET 2009


No, it's not mentioned anywhere explicitly. Basically, project is in the 
stabilisation phase so the feature set will be the same as provided by 
current trunk.

New features:

- load balancing (mechanism to distribute CPU load to multiple parallel 
- data dams (mechanism to offload queue content to the hard disk in the 
periods of overload; you can offload hundreds of gigabytes, still, the 
feature is pretty fast when compared to storing data into a database)
- OpenVMS port (includes C++ API, C API, Java API, Fortran API, COBOL 
API (?), performance tests and examples.
- Support for Mono (as a complement to .NET support available in 0MQ/0.5)
- Improved multicast performance (up to 700Mbit/second according to 
recent measurements).
- Experimental attempt at centralised management (feature allowing to 
configure the whole distributed system from a single point)

Estimated time to release is 2 weeks. However, this may change as quite 
a lot of testing & QA is needed for each release.

All: Given the large amount of operating systems and languages 
supported, maintenance/QA is pretty time-consuming. If you can help 
assuring that 0MQ works OK on particular operating system and/or with 
particular programming language, you'll help would be highly 
appreciated. Additionally, it will allow us to focus more on adding new 
features instead of checking all the possible configurations all the 
time. If you are willing to help, let us know!


Chad Harrington wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your hard work on 0MQ.  You have mentioned that you are hard 
> at work on the 0.6 release.  Can you tell us what the projected release 
> date and feature set will be?  My apologies if this is already covered 
> somewhere on the site and I missed it.
> Thank you,
> Chad Harrington
> DataScaler, Inc.
> charrington at datascaler.com <mailto:charrington at datascaler.com>
> 201A Ravendale Dr.
> Mountain View, CA  94043
> Phone: 650-515-3437
> Fax: 650-887-1544
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