[zeromq-dev] exchange id issue.

Skrzyniarz Alexandre alexandre.skrzyniarz at fr.thalesgroup.com
Wed Mar 18 17:31:13 CET 2009


I found what may be a defect in the exchange id attribution.

This is my use case:
 - the main thread of my program create an api_thread_t and use it to 
create a process scope exchange.
 - a spawned thread create an api_thread_t and use it to create a thread 
scope exchange.

Both exchange have the same exchange_id, therefore, I can't use the 
process scope exchange from my spawned thread (message are delivered 
through the thread scope exchange). As exchanges are passed to 
api_thread_id::send() by exchange id, should they not have different id?

A small test program is included in this mail.
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