[zeromq-dev] auto-reconnect failure

Aamir Mohammad aamirjvm at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 16:29:31 CET 2009


I have a program called "sender" that is publishing messages to a
global exchange and a program called "'receiver" that binds a local
queue to the global exchange. If I start both programs and then kill
the receiver process, the sender's error_handler function is called
... since I return true in error_handler, the sender program does not
crash and continues to publish messages. But then if I restart the
receiver program, the receiver's error_handler method is called
repeatedly while the sender process crashes with the following

api_thread.cpp:377: void zmq::api_thread_t::process_command(const
zmq::command_t&): Assertion `false' failed. Aborted

Has anyone seen this problem before?


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