[zeromq-dev] C# test programs

Michael Greene michael.greene at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 14:07:27 CET 2009

Hi Tamara and all,

> The C# project file can be found at
> http://svn.fastmq.org/svn/zeromq/trunk/windows/dnzmq/
> We have implemented latency tests dn_local_lat.cs and dn_remote_lat.cs
> and throughput tests dn_local_thr.cs and dn_remote_thr.cs. The usage is
> similar to other latency/throughput tests.

Great!  It should be noted that libdnzmq itself is Managed C++ and
will only work on Windows, lest any Mono users spend too much time
trying to get the C# projects to work.


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