[zeromq-dev] cmake patch.

George Neill georgen at neillnet.com
Tue Jan 6 18:56:34 CET 2009


On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Pavol Malosek <malosek at fastmq.com> wrote:
> Hi George,
> Thanks for your fast response it is already in the trunk rev. 846.

Sure, I have attached an updated patch to the bug.  It adds the
-DWITH_SCTP, conditional logic to include the *scp* source files and
to find the include/libraries needed to link with sctp.

> I have noticed in libzmq/CMakeList.txt
> +  set(libzmq_sources
> +    ${libzmq_sources}
> +    bp_sctp_engine.cpp
> +    bp_sctp_listener.cpp
> +  )
> How cpack is dealing with such a situations when libzmq_sources are added
> under some condition?
> Will it pack those conditionally compiled files into the dist package?

I guess I am not sure what you mean?

I am basically telling cmake to compile those .cpps if the cmake
variable ZMQ_HAVE_SCTP is set (i.e. the variable gets set when you
have specified -DWITH_SCTP and the sctp library has been found).
Otherwise, it won't attempt to even compile those.  I also did the
same thing with 'target_link_libraries'.

.cpps don't get included in the distribution anyway, right?

Let me know if that doesn't answer your question.


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