[zeromq-dev] OpenVMS port

Apps, John john.apps at hp.com
Thu Feb 12 15:32:58 CET 2009

OK. But do not hold your breath for results today as I just got dragged into a big "mess" with a customer...

---- John Apps | Hewlett-Packard | John.Apps at HP.com | +49 171 869 1813 ----

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Sustrik [mailto:sustrik at fastmq.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 15:32
To: Apps, John
Cc: Pavol Malosek; Pieter Hintjens; Cameron, Brett (NZ); zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org
Subject: OpenVMS port


Apps, John wrote:
> Pavol and Martin,
> Is there any particular order in which you wish to build things?
> examples --- Chat and Exchange done, the rest might be hard
> libczmq  --- C#? (Need Mono on VMS!)
> libjzmq  --- is Java (I could take a look as Java on I64 is good)
> libpyzmq --- is Python (does exist on VMS, but might be hard)
> libzmq   --- done
> perf     --- ???
> zmq_server --- done

On other platforms we are doing in the following way:

- libmzq (this is the core component, has to be compiled first)
- zmq_server (executable)
- libczmq (API for C - as opposed to native C++ API)

At this point other language bindings can be compiled but this tends to 
be tricky, so I would leave that to be done last (libjzmq = Java, 
libpyzmq = Python, libdnzmq = .NET)

- chat
- exchange

("camera" won't work as it depends on Linux video capturing libraries)

As for perf (performance tests) I would build 
perf/tests/zmq/local_lat.cpp, perf/tests/zmq/remote_lat.cpp, 
perf/tests/zmq/local_thr.cpp and perf/tests/remote_thr.cpp.

These four are enough to run latency & throughput tests on OpenVMS 
platform. Results from the tests may be of interest.


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