[zeromq-dev] TCP performance test and multiple Receiver question.

Martin Hurton hurtonm at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 11:26:06 CEST 2009


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:18 PM, lovec pc<pclovec at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi, all
> Current i do zeromq performance compare between difference protocol
> ,such as ZMQ and TCP,PGM.
> now i can running PGM and ZMQ perf test to get result . but i try to
> running /perf/tests/tcp folder 's local_thr command .seems doesn't
> work. i looking the documentation there's no word write need to
> running zmq_server before.
>  i using two machine to test TCP and refer to this url
> http://www.zeromq.org/code:tests-tcp-v03
> so i didn't running the zmq_server's service. only start to running
> local_thr command
> first machine running receiver
> ./local_thr first's_IP 5672 6 500000
> there's occur exception .
> ----------------------------
> root at x-desktop:/home/x1/trunk/perf/tests/tcp# ./local_thr
> 1 10000
> message size: 1 [B]
> message count: 10000
> lt-local_thr: tcp_socket.cpp:198:
> zmq::tcp_socket_t::tcp_socket_t(zmq::fd_t, bool): Assertion `s !=
> retired_fd' failed.
> Aborted
> root at x-desktop:/home/x/trunk/perf/tests/t
> ----------------

I think this is due to a bug we introduced when we added support for
non-blocking accept. I have committed the fix to master branch of the
GIT repository today. Please try it and let me know if it helped.

> and also found out this url .but i checked my build folder,there's no
> zmq_tcp folder. so i think it's old version for perf test code.
> http://www.zeromq.org/code:tests-zmq-vs-tcp
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and i have another question for ZMQ data flow
> 1. if i have one sender to send message to one queue . seems 2
> Exchange bind 1 Queue. if there's have only receiver  also this
> receiver is slow .  then
>      1).sender don't know the slow receiver .it still send the
> message to receiver Queue,  then Receiver client will be crush
> ,because the receiver mem will be increase , it's true?

Yes. But you have two options here. Either use flow control mechanism
(by specifying hwm limit when creating your queue) or enable message

>      2). if slow receiver is crush ,the sender still running ? or just stop ?
>      3). if i have two receiver , one receiver is slow ,one receiver
> is fast,doesn't slow receiver  will force fast receiver.
> thanks
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