[zeromq-dev] 0MQ packages - call for comments!

Martin Sustrik sustrik at fastmq.com
Tue Apr 14 10:43:23 CEST 2009

Hi all,

We are currently considering delivering 0MQ as binary packages - 
starting with individual Linux distros, later on moving to different OSes.

The problem is that 0MQ has a lot of configuration options and optional 
components. Many of these have to be compiled into the core 0MQ library 
and thus cannot be delivered as optional binary packages. So, with 
binary packages we should deliver configuration that would work OK for 
95% of 0MQ users. The remaining 5% would still have to build the product 
from source.

It would be extremely helpful to get users comments on the best 
configuration to be used for binary packages.

What follows is my personal proposal:

The core package:

  libzmq extesions:
    SCTP: no
    PGM: no
    AMQP: no

    zmq_server: yes
    cpu frequency estimator: no

    manual pages: yes
    performance tests: no
    camera example: no
    stock exchange example: no
    chartoom example: no
    butterfly example: no

Language bindings can be delivered as separate packages:

    C language binding: yes
    Python language binding: yes
    Java language binding: yes
    CLR binding: yes

Thoughts? Comments? Requirements?

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