[zeromq-dev] [Patch] ZeroMQ for OpenBSD

Frank Denis zeromq at pureftpd.org
Wed Oct 29 14:29:52 CET 2008

  Hello Martin,
  Kqueue is the way to go on OpenBSD and on other *BSD as well.
  Best regards,

Le Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 01:54:09PM +0100, Martin Sustrik ecrivait :
> Frank,
> Ok. We'll merge your changes in shortly.
> Also, thanks for your offer. Maintaining the software on multiple 
> platforms is rather time-consuming so any help with this would be highly 
> appreciated.
> At the moment we are developing support for multiple socket polling 
> strategies. So far there's support for select, poll, epoll and 
> /dev/poll. Kqueue is the next one to implement. It would be nice if you 
> can find out which of those are available on OpenBSD or whether there is 
> an alternative one to use.
Frank Denis - j [at] pureftpd.org - http://00f.net - http://www.cotery.com

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