[zeromq-dev] raw latency measuring

Martin Sustrik sustrik at fastmq.com
Wed Oct 15 10:58:08 CEST 2008


In case you want to test the jitter on RT kernel, these are the test 
programs to use. For statistical processing of the results we are using 
R language (www.r-project.org). You can do something like this:

lat <- scan ('raw_latency.dat', list (0)) [[1]]
lat_percentiles <- quantile (lat, seq (0,1,0.01))
plot ((lat_percentiles / 1000) [2:101])


Pavol Malosek wrote:
> Hello,
> For all interested in measuring latency for each message roundtrip.
> In attachment are two files lat.hpp which needs to be placed into 
> perf/tests/scenarios/ and local_lat.cpp should be placed into 
> perf/tests/zmq/.
> After recompiling and running latency test, on local side (where 
> local_lat is running) raw_latency.dat file should be created - it 
> contains one way latency in nanoseconds for each message in test.
> malo
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