[zeromq-dev] Poll results!
Martin Sustrik
sustrik at fastmq.com
Wed Dec 10 09:48:22 CET 2008
Frank Denis wrote:
> Le Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 04:37:02PM +0100, Martin Sustrik ecrivait :
>> 10. STOMP support (2 votes) - same comment applied as to XMPP
>> 11. Security (2 votes) - low priority as for now
> I'm quite surprised with those results.
> STOMP support is very important in order to use 0MQ with many already-
> available tools. Really, performance is one thing, but STOMP support seems
> mandatory in order to get 0MQ see wide adoption.
> Nobody cares about security? I'm also quite shocked. Security should be
> handled as soon as possible, not as a last-minute thing over an already
> large and complex product. Security as a polish layer never works.
My feeling is that the results are dependent on what people want to use
0MQ for. If the primary use case is powering the datacenter they won't
care about security. Same with STOMP. Deploying it in datacenter, they
would have to deal with MQ series or TIBCO connectivity rather than
interoperability with ActiveMQ.
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