[zeromq-dev] High latency performance

Martin Sustrik sustrik at fastmq.com
Sat Apr 5 10:21:46 CEST 2008

Hi Steve,

Yes, we are aware of the fact. Actually, we have a guy here who wrote 
such a bulk-transfer implementation (over IP). However, it the issue is 
not at the top of our priorities at moment - the priorities now are 
making 0MQ dynamic (rewiring of the messaging infrastructure on the fly 
rather than having it preconfigured) and multicast.


Steven McCoy wrote:
> Will ØMQ be optimised high-latency high-bandwidth links, for example
> satellite and submarine intercontinental cables?
> A lot of research from Internet2 indicates that TCP has some major
> limitations in such deployments and so creation of various protocols for
> fast bulk transfer of UDP:
> http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~dunigan/net100/udp/
> http://vfer.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi?page=home
> http://udt.sourceforge.net/

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